Bounds Maven Plugin

A maven plugin to update the lower bounds of ranges to reduce metadata downloads

Example delta

When you run bounds:update for a project that contains this:


and the latest release of sticky-composite-logging-api is 2.4, then you will end up with:



The plugin is in maven central so it should ‘Just Work’.

Run the plugin from your Apache Maven project directory:

mvn net.stickycode.plugins:bounds-maven-plugin:2.2:update

And your version ranges will have there lower bound updated to the latest released artifact version.

If you want to include any SNAPSHOT references when calculating the lower bound, set the`includeSnapshots` property:


when calling mvn.

Update bounds during release

To update the bounds during release you can do this:


     <preparationGoals>bounds:update enforcer:enforce clean verify</preparationGoals>

Line endings

You can specify the line separator used like so:


Extract Current Version

To get the current version of a library from a range use bounds:current-version, this will set the property stickyCoercion.version to the right 2.x version:



Release 3.3

  • dependencies with classifiers were being ignored incorrectly

Release 3.2

  • support for setting a property to the highest version in a range

Release 2.6

  • added support for dependencyManagement - although I would suggest you never ever us it
  • added support for version defined as properties - although again I would suggest you don’t do that
  • allow the line separator on rewrite to be configured (Mac, Unix Windows), useful when you define the line ending in your SCM and need re-generated poms to match